- Юридическая фирма AGERE
- Деятельность фирмы
- Introduction of Amendments to Constituent Documents, Re-registration, Reorganization, Winding-up, Bankruptcy Proceedings of any Legal Entities, Branches and Representative Offices
- State Registration of Legal Entities and Individuals, Branches and Representative Offices
- Registration, Deregistration of Movable and Immovable Property owned by Legal Entities and Individuals. Obtaining Permit to Use a Special Tax Regime. Obtaining VAT Certificate
- Licensing Proceedings
- Obtaining / Renewal of Permits to Engage Foreign Labour. Labour Law
- Registration of Rights to Immovable Property and Transactions therewith. Change in Designated Purpose of a Land Plot.
- Legal Outsourcing
- Lawyer, Litigation Support. Judicial Practice
- Tender Arrangements
- Registration of Intellectual Property Rights. Registration of Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origins of Goods.
- Accounting Record-Keeping. Preparation and Submission of Statements and Reports
- Новостная лента
- Клиенты компании
- Контакты
- Правовая информация
- Благодарственные письма
- Заказать услугу компании